#This is configuration file. #Any entry starting with a punctuation character will be a comment #This file should be in the same folder where exe file is. [LISTEN_ON] #Specify the Interfaces you would like Server to listen #Default is All static Interfaces [RANGE_SET] DHCPRange= [LOGGING] #LogLevel can be set as None, Errors or All #It is advisable to keep logging to Normal, Normal include errors #and DHCP renewal messages. Normal is defaul logging also. ;LogLevel=None ;LogLevel=Normal ;LogLevel=All ;LogLevel=Debug [HTTP_INTERFACE] #This is http inerface for viewing lease status, #Default is first interface, port 6789 #You can change it here to any network interface. ;HTTPServer= #Also to limit the clients access, you can specify upto 8 #HTTP client IPs Here. If no Client IP is specified then All #Clients can access the HTTP Interface ;HTTPClient= ;HTTPClient= #You can also change the title of html page ;HTTPTitle=This is Custom Title