Privacy Policy

Holusion is committed to protecting personal data in compliance with European legislation (GDPR).

This page aims to inform you of your rights and our obligations regarding your data.

Collected Information

Queries and Navigation

Holusion collects data from queries made to the website []( These data are stored by our service provider [Google]( according to the terms of use of the [Google Cloud]( platform.

These data may include the following personal information:

As well as non-personal data, such as:

These data are subject to internal statistical processing and are not used individually. They may be stored for a maximum of 30 days.


Holusion records [cookies]( in a minimal way to ensure the functioning of the site.

Name Provider Description
lang Holusion Stores the user's preferred language if different from the browser's language
__stripe_mid Stripe Used by Stripe to manage online payment on the store
__stripe_sid Stripe Used by Stripe to manage online payment on the store
snipcart_order_token Snipcart Used by Snipcart to manage the shopping cart on the store

Online Purchases

In the case of a purchase, we only collect the information necessary for the proper conduct of the sale. Only contact personal information (name, first name, address, phone) is stored by our provider [Snipcart]( to ensure traceability and after