A modern tale...
The Castle of the Dukes is experiencing a real fairy tale. It was first converted in a prison and stayed as such for nearly two centuries. In 2010, the prison closed and the Castle is finally going to be opened to a wider audience.
For the first time in centuries, the Castle is becoming public. For the unveiling of this new urban park , the city of Alençon decided to give the citizens a new tool to better understand the Castle.
A Castle reborn
As it did not meet the requirements in terms of hygiene and security, the courthouse had to close in 2010.
Thus, the fate of the Castle was uncertain and the municipality eventually decided to open the place to the public. An urban park and a boardwalk were arranged to allow the visitors to better assimilate the place. With this in mind, the direction of the cultural life and tourism contacted us to enhance the ruins of the castle.
Review your history courses !
Regional collaborations
The backstage of such an installation is a long work of historical reconstitution, in collaboration with T. Churin. After a data collection of many historical key points, a digital rendering of the castle was created by our infographist Melissa.
A new form of digital display
The result of this collaboration is an holographic model of the castle. The hologram follows the evolution of the Castle over the centuries, from 1170 to our present time. The objective of this project was to promote the Castle history and the different uses it had in the past.
You're the judge !
This hologram is interactive . The public can choose the historical era he wishes thanks to a connected iPad. Thus, the audience doesn't stay put, and they become a part of the exhibition.
Beyond appearances
If the holographic display already explains the evolution of the castle with a few legends, the iPad also contributes to the transmission of knowledge. It shows textual informations so that the audience can learn a bit more.
As the place was used for many different uses , these informations can be really useful for the visitors. Especially since the castle remained private for nearly two centuries ! Something worth a peek...