Notre hologramme géant rendu intéractif pour le Viva Technology 2018
From the 24th au 26th of May the Viva Technology exhibition took place at the Convention Center of Paris.
100 000 visitors, 125 countries, 9000 start-ups, 1900 investors, 1900 journalists. A lot of people mobilized themwelves to present the positive impact of new technologies for our society. This convention was about companies, professionals and students sharing their passion of new technologies.
For its third edition, one could see a lot of robot, new innovations for transportation with futur Uber flying taxis. The importance and contribution of women in the industry was particulary highlighted, as it is one of the main challenge our society is facing today
Interacting with the holograms
Invited by EDF in the Discovery space, we showed our brand new giant hologram, the Iris 75 that we have made interactive this time thanks to a connected tablet.
An holographic playlist was available and the visitors could choose between holograms they wanted to see on the Iris . Thanks to all of you who have stoped by and asked us question. Our conversations were very important to undertand better the requirements for our next holographic designs. Thanks !
Amoung our demonstrations, we have had the opportunity to show the holograms of the Université Catholique de Lille founders. They were generated thanks to the collaboration of Pôle 3D School for the digitalization and their excellent teamwork during the holographic artwork
Our holograms were also present on the booths of Bouygueswith a Iris 32 and Arkema with a Chroma.